riversgate KIDS
Sunday School Classrooms
"So then, just as your received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live your lives in him, rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness. Colossians 2: 6-7
At Riversgate, we invite kids to stay in service for worship. We believe in having inter-generational time together and want the sanctuary to be a familiar place to our kids. After worship, children are dismissed to their classrooms.
God charges us to provide a safe, loving environment where children of all ages can learn about the living Word, Jesus, and the written Word, the Bible. All of our teachers are vetted and have passed a criminal background check. We choose age appropriate curriculum so that kids can leave knowing they are loved by the Lord and by their teachers. We want parents to feel secure and confident in this as well so that they can take in the Word during service without distraction.
Most of our classrooms are located downstairs and are divided by age/grade into different groups:
NURSERY (0-18 months)
Nursery open for nursing moms. Walkers invited to join the toddler class.
TODDLER (18 months-3 years)
In our toddler room, children will begin to learn about Jesus and His great love for them through Bible story lessons, crafts, and simple games.
PRESCHOOL (4 years-5 years old)
In this class, preschoolers are discovering more of “The Big God Story” through a variety of different age-appropriate games and activities, showing them that Jesus loves them and has a purpose for them!
ELEMENTARY (K-2nd Grade and 3rd - 5th Grade)
Our services are designed to present the love of Jesus to elementary kids in a way that is exciting and makes sense to them. Every week they learn exciting truths through God’s Word, and respond to what they have learned through fun games and activities.
K-2nd Grade meets downstairs.
3rd - 5th Grade meets upstairs.
Friday morning play date
Most Fridays 9:30 - 11:00 AM, lower level. For more info contact Grace Severn at grace@riversgate.net